Black Lines On Nails – Reasons And Should You Worry About It?
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Small Black Lines On Nails
There can be splinter hemorrhages that have formed a narrow black line that has formed vertically under the nail. In some cases, it is not a serious health problem, but in others, it may be a sign of an intractable condition.
Under your nail, you may find a tiny piece of wood that looks like a splinter, which is why the condition is called a splinter hemorrhage. An infection under your nails is caused by damage to the small blood vessels underneath your nails. Characteristics of infection under your nails are as follows:
- There is a brown or black tinge to its coloration.
- It does not change its appearance when applied pressure to the nail.
- There is a small lump hidden under the nail where it will remain for some time.
It is called Beau’s lines when there are thick, horizontal lines created on the nail that is called smaller lines. It is usually not harmful to have these, but they can sometimes indicate a condition called subungual melanoma.

A Black Line On A Fingernail Can Be Caused By Several Conditions.
In many cases, splinter hemorrhages are caused by trauma, which is one of the most common causes. When you hurt your nail bed, you can puncture a blood vessel under the nail and this will result in a blister under the nail. If you tightly squeeze something, even when not aware of it, there is a chance that you will experience nail trauma as well.
Splinter hemorrhages can be caused by endocarditis, a condition that results in inflammation of the heart. Approximately fifteen percent of those suffering from endocarditis suffer from splinter hemorrhages.
In addition to damaging the inner chambers and valves of the heart, endocarditis also damages surrounding tissues. In addition to endocarditis, you can also experience other serious heart problems as a result of it. In general, those suffering from endocarditis already have underlying cardiac diseases.
It is also possible to suffer from splinter hemorrhages when you have psoriasis. In psoriasis, the skin is inflamed with silvery scales or spots, which are characterized by a painful flaky appearance. Psoriasis patients suffer from splinter hemorrhages and other nail complications up to 50 percent of the time.
A splinter hemorrhage can occur for a variety of reasons, including the following:
- lichen planus
- vasculitis
- lupus
- infections
- medications that change the blood clotting
- chemotherapy
- kidney, lung, or circulatory diseases
- nail fungus
- Raynaud’s disease
There are 20 lines on Beau’s nails, which could indicate:
- Thyroid disease
- Diabetes
- Mumps
- Syphilis
How To Get Rid Of Black Lines On Nails And Cure Them
vertical black lines on nails have a variety of causes, and the treatment for the condition will vary based on the cause. If you have a splinter hemorrhage, but the nail is growing out with the nail, you may not need any treatment at all.
A splinter hemorrhage may represent a sign that another medical condition needs to be treated, so see your doctor right away. There is no standard treatment for nail conditions because the reasons for splinter hemorrhages are so different.
Endocarditis, for example, requires antibiotics and perhaps surgery in addition to antibiotics. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that requires a variety of topical as well as oral treatments as well as preventative strategies.
Black Lines On A Nail: How Can They Be Treated?
Do not worry after seeing a tiny black line like “Oh My God! I have black lines on my nails!!!” It is possible that you may be experiencing a splinter hemorrhage. If so, it may indicate a bigger problem. If trauma to the nail is recalled, chances are the splinter hemorrhage will grow out on its own in time.
You should see your doctor if you experience any other symptoms in addition to the nail condition, as this may indicate a more serious underlying condition.
A nail’s condition is a reflection of the health of your body as a whole. If you have symptoms of an injury or nail condition that cannot be explained, such as splinter hemorrhages or extensive nail damage, it may be time to consult your doctor.